Hollywood Arts
Camille Dawson
Camille Dawson
General Information
Gender: Female
Age: 18 years old
Birthday: October 26, 1995
Education: Hollywood Arts
Occupation: Performer
Address: Why do you want to know?
Relationships: Single
Housemates: None. And I don't even want one.
Portrayer: Queen Luna

Camille Dawson
Camille Dawson posted:
It's been a long time since I performed a song..about two weeks. Well next week is concert time @ Hollywood Arts! And I'm the second-main performer! Sweet! Congratz Elsa for being the main performer!


Camille Dawson
Camille Dawson posted:
Snow, come here! Make an account because I really wanna chat with you!


Camille Dawson
Camille Dawson posted:
Does anyone know why Melanie Cyrus hates me? :( If you know the answer reply >"<!

Elsa Hale commented:

How about you ask her directly?

Camille Dawson commented:

I already did ask her directly—yesterday. You want to know her reply? She just walked away :(!

Melanie Cyrus commented:

There are lots of reason I hate you.

Elsa Hale commented:

Mel, Camille is actually sweet and nice once you get to know her. And you're sweet as well. Both of you are my best friends, so lease stop fight. Mel, what Camille did was an accident!

Melanie Cyrus commented:

In your dreams. When I met her I don't trust her, then I wanted to be friends with her–then all that happened.

Camille Dawson commented:

Well haters gotta hate. I don't care if you like me or not, just stop sabotaging my life!
